This blog belongs to a fraternity called TARRAM-TOO originated at Malviya hostel @ MNNIT, Alahabad.

Group Members are:

Akash alias NATTU: A monkey, the most notorious member and also the president. (S/w professional)

Manish alias KATORI: A fox, most energetic, very shrewd and vice-president (S/w professional)

Gaurav alias SHABD-K****: A talking set of alphabets. Most intellectual (IRS, very likely will be an IAS)

Vikas alias *****: Uhh, he was always a permanent guest of tarram-too family. (S/w professional and poet)

Abhinav alias H****-RAJA: Always avert to be called by this name. (An MBA)

Sunil alias HISABI-CHACHA: A non-writing but very integrated member. (To be an IAS)

So guys, enjoy the ultimate mixed experience of this diverse yet unite family!